Let’s Plant Trees on #GivingTuesday
It’s Giving Tuesday!
If you are not familiar with this new American tradition, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving is now a day dedicated to making a donation to a non-profit (or many!) of your choice. It started just a few years ago, to balance the consumerism most of us engage in during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
FoxyUtils is committed to help businesses and individuals go paperless and we plant a tree every 5000 conversions on our site, whether free or paid. So one way you can help the environment today is to head to foxyutils.com and take care of all those PDF documents that need your attention 😀
Let’s not stop there, today, though! Here are five non-profit organizations that work hard to protect the environment. Take a few minutes today and make a donation to at least one. Every dollar counts.
1) Plant a Billion
We are big fans of this program by the Nature Conservancy. Their goal is to plant one billion trees by 2025. Every time you use one of our PDF tools, your conversion adds to our Tree Meeter. We plant a tree through Plant a Billion every 5000 conversions — we just planted a tree a couple of hours ago! If you can, make a contribution to Plant a Billion today, they have raised close to $19M, out of their goal of raising $125M.
2) U.S. National Park Services
Donate to the National Park Services or find a park near you. This system of parks and nature protection turned 100 this year and is one of the greatest American programs. Let’s preserve it for future generations!
3) The Sierra Club
From hiking trips to camping classes, the Sierra Club is one of the most engaged and oldest organizations devoted to protecting the planet. It also has a strong activist community, and will appeal to the most ardent environmentalists.
4) Arbor Day Foundation
Did you know that the Oak Tree was voted National American Tree in 2001? The Arbor Day Foundation is behind a bunch of fun initiatives to plant trees, educate young and old on the importance of forests, and more.
5) Your local environmental group
Local groups can do amazing things, and supporting one sometimes feels more rewarding, simply because you get to see first hand the impact of your contribution. Search for such an organization in your hometown to improve your city or neighborhood. Here’s a couple we love in California: Friends of the Urban Forest plants trees in San Francisco. You can work with them to plant a tree right in front of your home, and can see their planted trees all over the city. And in Los Angeles, the wonderful Tree People have been working hard to transform the LA landscape, involving more than 2 million people in planting trees for over 40 years.
Are there other non-profits you love that are planting trees and protecting our natural resources? Let us know in the comment. Let’s make a difference today, happy #GivingTuesday!