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Introducing FoxyUtils Workflows

11월 22, 2016

We are excited to introduce Workflows!  Workflows is a brand new feature in FoxyUtils to allow interoperability between our multiple services and sending files via e-mail.  The feature is open to all of our FoxyPremium users. Workflows integrates our own FoxyUtils PDF tools, and also enables the option of sending complete files by e-mail or uploading them to a 3rd party app in the cloud, such as Dropbox and Google Drive. The new FoxyUtils Workflows feature - screenshot 01 For example, the output of Merge PDF can be quickly sent to Compress PDF, and with the click of a button the Compress PDF operation is ready to go. The new FoxyUtils Workflows feature - screenshot 02 Then you can quickly email the file to yourself or upload it to Dropbox or Google Drive. The new FoxyUtils Workflows feature - screenshot 03 Do you routinely work with PDF files? Try FoxyPremium’s faster and easier Workflows. And stay tuned, we are working on more new features. If you have any suggestions or feedback, e-mail us at [email protected]